Dr Julien Aubé

Chiropractor DC
dr bruno lariviere


Doctor of Chiropractic, UQTR in 2011.

Member of the Ordre des Chiropraticiens du Québec (OCQ)
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Member of the Association des Chiropraticiens du Québec (ACQ)
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Member of the Canadian Chiropractors’ Association (CCA)
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Complementary approaches

Kinésiotaping, Graston Technique, Trigger Points et Active Release Technique (ART)

Spoken languages

English, French


Dr Julien Aubé, born in Montmagny, has worked in Quebec City for four years and has cofonded Chiropratique St-Roch. Then, he moved to Montreal in 2015 and he his part of the Kiroclinique Mcgill since. In June 2016, he also joined Clinique Chiropratique Familale de St-Bruno.

Dr Aubé got is degree from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in 2011. He received the Médaille Académique du Gouverneur Général for the best average of his cégep. Dr Aubé  had the chance to be part of a chiropractic mission in Bolivia to treat patient for 2 weeks.

He is passionate about arts, road biking, plants and wine.

Sharing the values and the vision of the clinic, Dr Aubé always do his best to get you better as quick as possible. He has a really effective approach for lower back pain, hernied discs, sciatica, disconfort related to office word, postural issues and sports injuries.

His clientele counts office workers, athletes and students.



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