Are you subject to many ailments that limit you in your daily basis? You would like to eliminate your persistent pains or to modify your bad postures which have an adverse influence on your health? Thanks to our chiropractors in Mont-St-Hilaire, you can benefit from adapted care that will relieve all your pains. Do not let your pains get worse. Chiropractic is the solution you need.
Our chiropractors in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, as well as our chiropractors in Montreal, know how much recurring pain can make your life unbearable. That’s why Kiroclinique wants to provide you with effective and sustainable services.
Our chiropractic care is for all types of people, athletes as well as pregnant women or the elderly. We adapt to your body capacity so that you have appropriate care for your ailments.
Chiropractic approach is both curative and preventive that will relieve your pain. Migraines, neck and shoulder pain or back problems, it is important to consult a chiropractor in Mont-St-Hilaire before your health gets worse.
During your first visit to a chiropractor in Mont-St-Hilaire, you will have a clinical interview to better understand your pain. Your chiropractor in Mont-St-Hilaire will perform a series of exams, including:
• An assessment of your posture
• An evaluation of movements and joints;
• An orthopedic evaluation;
• Neurological evaluation;
• X-ray examinations if your condition requires it.
With this personalized evaluation, your chiropractor in Mont-St-Hilaire will establish a chiropractic diagnosis and explain the care you need to eliminate your pain.
Kiroclinique is committed to relieve pain, keep it away and improve total body health with chiropractic care.
Listening, availability and empathy are values that our chiropractors wish to convey to each patient. Your well-being is what matters most to us.
Members of the Ordre des chiropraticiens du Quebec, the Quebec Chiropractors Association and the Canadian Chiropractic Association, our chiropractors are competent professionals with a wide experience in chiropractic. Our team consists of four chiropractors:
Dr. Diana Al Ayoubi, chiropractor DC; (Kiroclinique McGill)
Dr. Janelle Authier, chiropractor DC; (Kiroclinique McGill)
Dr. Simon Lupien, chiropractor DC;
Dr. Julien Aubé, chiropractor DC. (Kiroclinique McGill)
Every patient is unique. That’s why Kiroclinique wants to provide personalized care and tailor-made treatment that leads to your recovery.
In addition to chiropractic, our chiropractic clinic offers other alternative medicine treatments to relieve your recurrent pain and restore your optimal health, including:
These natural techniques go perfectly with chiropractic. Depending on your needs, we will offer you the most appropriate care.
Would you like to benefit from the expertise of our chiropractors in Mont-St-Hilaire to regain your best health? For this, contact us today at (450) 527-1239 or meet our chiropractors in Mont-St-Hilaire at the following address:
430 Laurier Boulevard, Suite 205
Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec – J3H 6M5
Our clinic is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13h to 20h.